Rooted in the Really Real
Join friends Fr. Steven Borello and Ashley Pultorak as they share about prayer and journeying together in the spiritual life. This life we're given is such an adventure- come along for the journey!
128 episodes
Thursday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 2/6/25.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God ble...
Episode 126

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 1/26/25.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 125

Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 1/23/25.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 124

Memorial of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 1/21/25.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 123

Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 1/20/25.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 122

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 1/1/25.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God ble...
Episode 121

The Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 12/30/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 121

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 12/29/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 120

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass during the Night- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 12/25/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 119

Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 12/23/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 118

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 12/21/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 117

Tuesday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/19/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 116

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/17/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 115

Saturday of the Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/16/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 114

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/10/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 113

Friday of the Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/8/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 112

Wednesday of the Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/6/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 111

Solemnity of All Saints- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 11/1/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God bl...
Episode 110

Tuesday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 10/29/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 108

Thursday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 10/31/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 109

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 10/27/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 107

Thursday of the Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 10/24/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 106

End of Life Issues- Fr. Steve Talk
Please listen to a talk given by Fr. Steve Borello regarding end of life issues, including suffering, alleviating suffering, and funerals. Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or w...
Episode 105

Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 10/18/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 104

Thursday of the Twenty-Eighth Week in Ordinary Time- Fr. Steve Homily
Listen to Fr. Steve's homily from 10/17/24.Thanks for listening! Please leave us a rating and/or review, and share on social media or with a friend! You can email ashley@rootedinthereallyreal.com with any questions or suggestions. God b...
Episode 103