Rooted in the Really Real
Join friends Fr. Steven Borello and Ashley Pultorak as they share about prayer and journeying together in the spiritual life. This life we're given is such an adventure- come along for the journey!
Rooted in the Really Real
RRR 047: Created for Order
November 18, 2022
Ashley Pultorak & Fr. Steven Borello
Episode 47
In this episode, Fr. Steve and Ashley continue talking about living the life of virtue. Virtues show the potential of man and what he is destined for.
Like we spoke about in our last episode, we are created for freedom and virtues help us attain that freedom, but they also help provide order. True order is understanding that God alone is God. Disorder comes when we leave virtue in pursuit of our own self-seeking desires, and God is no longer on the throne of our hearts.
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